"Stream it...
it’s funny how the film ultimately is a quiet little feminist you-go-girl celebration of young womanhood, buoyed by its central visual metaphor: women decapitating and filleting a big phallic symbol. Get outta Sweetwater and take down the patriarchy, Miss Snake Charmer."
Miss Snake Charmer
miss snake charmer, Co-Directed with emalee arroyo, was my first feature documentary and won best documentary at the austin revolution, bare bones film and sheridan wyo film festivals. it had a two-year run streaming on hulu and is now streaming on amazon prime and other platforms.
Shark cowboys
currently in post production, shark cowboys explores the humongous effort of two teams of anglers working to save the sharks of the Gulf of Mexico by participating in a grueling 3-day tournament known as Sharkathon. anglers compete to successfully tag-and-release the largest sharks while facing extreme weather, cut lines and the unpredictable gulf itself. With 250,000 sharks being slaughtered around the world daily, these every day Texans competing in Sharkathon are instrumental in gathering research geared towards saving these apex predators.we are proud to have our film sponsorsed by austin film society.